For the same price of a posh coffee and a muffin per month you can help our drivers compete at the front of the grid.
With most other sports, the amount of practice you do determines where you finish. This is only partly true with motorsports. The competitor with the best engine, the newest tyres and the best setup will already be at least a second a lap better off - the amount of seat time they can afford will only stretch this advantage. To compete at the front requires funding and that is what we are asking of you.
A recurring monthly payment from as little as £5 goes a long way to getting us to the front of the grid. If you would like to help with a monthly sponsorship please complete the form below:
Without your support we can't compete at the highest levels - our costs are varied and many. For example:
We try to make our kit last as long as possible and never compromise on safety but we do have to compromise on speed. With your help we can compromise less!!